Ever thought that April fool day can also mean something else? Here is my new meaning to this most celebrated day. This April Fools Day instead of making a fool out of people, make yourselves FULL - full of hope, full of faith, full of happiness, full of will, full of wisdom, full of strength and determination. Why does every day have to be about others? Why not celebrate this quarantined April fool with yourselves? Instead of playing pranks on people, prank your mind and heart into being productive rather than sitting idle. Choose people to help you grow more fuller in their presence rather than choosing people to prank on. Use your mind to plan your days and weeks ahead than thinking of tricks to fool others. Fools(full) day is celebrated on first day of April, which marks the spring season for the northern side of globe which signifies growth of all the elements on the planet. The southern side experiences fall/ autumn season that brings change...