Our Dream worlds!

Hola Amigos, Don't you think? Before this COVID 19 virus entered our lives, we were all living in the material world we created for ourselves. But as we are forced to stay indoors, we all have moved way past our materially luxurious lives. A life that went by the hands of clock has now come to a halt. At once, everything seems futile and a thing of the past. Now that the real world in which we reside in has turned too hard hitting; we all have shifted to our dream worlds again. The universe which is like a willful escape from our present times. A world of Art and Fiction , where stories are weaved with magic. Haven't we all got back to our favorite movies, shows, music, podcasts or books?We are seeking a break from harsh realities of today. We still want to believe in magic and maybe that's why supernatural, dreamy or science fictional stories are capturing our hearts with much more intensity now. Recently, J.K Rowling along with her team has started Har...