Yesterday I was sitting at Marine Drive, soon after the sunset. I keep going to that place once in a while especially when I am restless, nervous or just unhappy for any known or unknown reasons. Everyone keeps asking me that why do I visit that place so often? However, at first I certainly didn’t have a sure shot answer for it. But yesterday when I went there after almost a month or so, only then I realized why that place was so special to me and what was I actually missing these days.
And now, I do have an answer for it. While I am there, breathing in fresh oxygen, enthralling wind breezing through my hair, waves kissing the shore, children playing around with their pets, people completing their fitness regime, vehicles blaring horns on the streets, those shimmering lights of the sky high buildings- all these activities gives me a proof of life. I just feel alive to each of my moment and thus, my body, mind and soul attain peace all at once. I love being there as I feel like in an era of man-made developments and technological progress; I am resting in the laps of Mother Nature.   
While our human body and mind seek earthly pleasures, our soul seeks peace and satisfaction. Our Lives must be an equal blend of material richness and also the richness in terms of some profound experiences, experiences which makes you feel blessed to be born as a human being. Keep embracing the wilderness around you. Not everyone is blessed with the material happiness but everyone is gifted with this priceless possession called NATURE around him.  So, here’s a short poem to feel the delicacy of nature around you --
Keep calm,
Take break,
Go for a walk,
Stop mid way to admire the beauties of nature,
Close your eyes,
Feel the cool breeze around you,
Get swayed away by the sounds of flowing streams,
the chirping of birds and the chit-chatting leaves.
Feel energized
Feel good
Feel cool and
Attain your own peace of mind..
Pic location - Marine Drive, Mumbai
Pic credit - Myself


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