#Chapter 04: Hope and expectation

After any exam, we see two kinds of students -
"Hoping for the best" - Student 1
"I am expecting so and so score" - Student 2

Hope and expectation, how often do we sit back and ponder over the difference between the two words?
It is where my next lesson come from -
I have learnt to expect something rather than merely, hoping for it.

Well what difference does that make?
When we hope, we just desire. The person hoping for something is simply wishing, in the absence of any efforts from his end.

But when we expect, we strongly believe. The person expecting something is optimistic about the efforts he had put in.

The way to lead a goal oriented life is to have an effort oriented approach.
The very fact between choosing to hope or to expect, is efforts.
Where hope is just a mirage created by thoughts, expectation is a belief formed by the efforts made.

When we choose to expect, we naturally feel the rush in our veins to put in hard work and give our best shot.
But when we choose to hope, we believe in some miracle that may happen which lulls our ability to try hard for it.
Choosing to expect over hope also give us a reality check. We don't hope for the impossible because we expect the possible.

Having made an entry into this post modern world, we need to stay in the reality rather than in a fool's paradise.
No matter how much we believe in the beauty of life and world but the life has to be lead logically and with right efforts.
Believe in the beauty of your dreams but also, put in the hard work to make them a reality.
---- Chapter 04 ends ----

Hope gives us life but
 expectations give us a life worthwhile.
Hope is willing to have something but expecting is a to get a result as a return to one's efforts.

So next time,choose to expect something with assurance rather than hoping for it with uncertainty.

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