All about ME- Time

Hola good humans, Today's blog is not the part of my series but just an underrated theme I wanted to pen down from a really long time. A very personal yet an universal issue. 'I want to just be!' 'Can I simply just breathe!? ' 'Please let me be on my own for a while.' Each and everyone would agree that they have uttered or felt these words many times in their lives. For some people, it is on frequent basis, while for others, it is occasional. Time and again, I have heard this notion that people are becoming more and more intolerant with time. Is it so? Maybe yes, but not because they are developed that way. This impatience stems out from the negligence on our part. We fail to recognize the need for 'me time'. It is highly underrated need of a human being. Just like we create a comfortable space for people to share their thoughts, in the same way, our heart also needs that time and space to express what is it that we need. To channelize our deeper d...