The Art of Letting Go

Greetings readers,
Well, before I begin, let me ask you a question, are you a keeper or a spender?
Do you like to store and preserve your belongings or you quickly get on to newer things in life?
I don't really know how you would answer these questions but for me these are surely not the close ended questions. 
I feel that no one can truly choose one of the two as both are extreme ends. While we might be good to let go in some aspects, we might be adamant in letting go on other aspects.

Little do we know that our choices clearly define our personality. The people who keep the rose petals in the diary to the people who frequently change their residence, all these choices and actions gives valuable insights into their lives.
While this may seem situational but if we dig deeper, the ones who keep everything with them & try to protect even lifeless things at all possible costs are usually the people who fear letting go and if not, at least it doesn't come easy to them. Every time we talk about change or making choices, the only pre- requisite is to let go and unlearn all the older ideas and things.
Just like trees shed their leaves once every year, people also need to learn this process and practice it with much more frequency. Just as it is said that in order to get on to better things in life we need to make space for them.

Letting go of anything, literally is not at all easy. I myself have been a person who used to preserve every possible thing I could just because of my memories & attachments with it. But recently, I started becoming overwhelmed with all my belongings because my heart and my space wasn't big enough to take everything along with me.
That's when I came across this quote by the author, Sarah Ban Breathnach 
You've got to make a conscious choice everyday to shed the old - whatever "the old" means for you.

This quote gives the right sense to the act of letting go. It detects the dire need to let go of things, places, people and experiences that hold us back from getting on to the next level in life. Anything that restricts us from the success we deserve, is everything that we don't need in our life.

However we usually fear to accept this idea of letting go. There is this negative notion in the society that every time people try to move away from everything they no longer need, people label them as self centered and mean; while this may not really be the case. 
Sometimes taking everything along with us, actually brings us down. It is not impossible but tedious to climb a mountain with loads of baggage; same is the case with our life and all the experiences we go through.
Letting go doesn't mean to give away all our past experiences but it is just a way to keep the valuable ones and discard the unwanted.
Getting better and leaving behind dead weights is not selfish but wise. There are some things that we need to let go before they take over our present and control our future. Unlike many other situations in life, letting go is in our control.
Letting go is a proof that we have had such overload of good and not so good experiences in our lives. 
So, when holding on becomes too much, just let it go.

Let go with grace!
Let go with a kind heart!
Let go with a sweet smile!

Letting go is unleashing our freedom!

With that I will take a leave now,

Happy Reading!

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  1. Beautiful 🌹 keep growing 🌹

  2. Much needed words. Reading this at the end of the day is such a relief! ♥️

    1. Thanks a ton for this!
      Words bringing such comfort is indeed something every writer craves for! ❤

  3. Are you for real?
    I would fall for you.��

    1. Aww! Well, I think I am real! 💛

      Thanks a lot for liking my words!

  4. This was lovely garvi, great job! ❤️

    1. Hey Neo, that really means a lot✨
      Keep supporting!

  5. Well said garuuuuuu ��

  6. Haha! Well, those are not "some" but actually everything, so haha! I will happily fail this test!😂

    And thank you so much ❤❤

  7. Very nicely written,,will try implement more of it in real life

    1. Yes hard at first but gets easier with practice.


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