Life happens for you or to you?

Oh! Hello beautiful readers,

We are just 3 months away from new year or I should say, 3 months to go for 2020 to officially end. Am I the only one who feels that 2021 should come soon?!
Well never mind, whichever year it may be, I will be here with my words for you all.

It has been a long time since one of my closest friends suggested me to cover a theme. I came across this quote by Tony Robbins,

This quote has time and again given the boost to lead our lives and make all our dreams a reality.
However,this resonated with what my friend suggested.

When I read this quote, more than anything, I focused on the word 'ME' in it. There are times when we feel powerless, like nothing turns out as we plan and that's when we stick to this thought that we are the victim of the things that happen in our life.

There are many aspects that could spring this thought in our mind, but here let's focus on one of it. How often do we fall in the trap of others' expectations?
There are moments when we are so driven by other people's opinions that we get distant from our true self. Here, I don't mean the random people around, but the near and dear ones. The ones whose thoughts and perspectives are precious for us. 

As human beings, we often come at a crossroad where we are to choose between our true calling and the path others desire us to take in life. At this point, being adamant isn't much of a choice because the people who suggest us something see the untapped potential in us. These are the well wishers who have good intentions for us.
Well, it is hard to believe but I still do that there are at least some good people in everyone's life. 

It is not easy to choose ourselves against our own people and that's when the above quote can act as a guide. When we pursue what we believe is our true calling, there is a higher probability that we will be more satisfied. When we are more satisfied, we would like to believe that whatever is happening in our life at any point is taking us closer to our ultimate purpose. This is when we agree that Life is happening for us. We get to be the masters of our life and that emotion is absolute for us. 

While on the flip side, if out of respect and love, we choose something that others expect from us, we are prone to get exhausted one day for sure because if something isn't our true calling, it drains us, we don't enjoy doing it. It becomes an obligation.
 When life fails to satiate us, we start focusing on the former part of the quote that life is happening to us. We are supposed to deal with situations that we weren't willing to and it is certainly not a healthy place to be at. Life in this scenario gets frustrating and we question every bit of it.

We have many years to live our life and there are chances that on some days, we wake up to the wrong side of bed but that's when we need to shift our focus.
The second we feel life is happening to us instead of for us, that's when we must take the lead. We must flip it around and make everything work for us. We learn to get stubborn about the choices we make because now we know what we genuinely want. When we find our purpose, we work out ways to convince our people.

When we alter our choices, we get better, we learn well and we feel good about ourselves. We get over other people's expectations about us, we align ourselves to the right passion and life eventually gets satisfying.
All we need to do is separate ourselves from other people's perceptions and choose wisely. Even if we go wrong, what matters is how we shift our focus towards the right path. After all, change in focus can change our life completely.

Stay home
Stay safe

Happy reading!

Thank you for the prompt, Sumit!


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